Andrew Coslett

Andrew Coslett ID

I am Penarth born and raised and have worked in the graphic and printing industry for ...more

Alison Fennell

Alison bio pic2
Alison Fennell Artist Bio
I learned the basics of watercolour my 20’s and continued to paint and... ...more

Mark Warner

Mark Warner is a practicing artist and ‘plein air’ tutor based in .. ...more

Adele Pask

AP 3
Adele Pask Artist Bio Spending her early childhood in Lancashire Adele then moved to Pontllanfraith ... ...more

Carol Kibble

Carol Kibble bio
Carol Kibble Artist Bio.
I have always loved drawing and as a small child, as long as I had a pencil and paper, I was happy. At School I was encouraged... ...more

Pete Monaghan

Pete Monaghan ID

Pete Monaghan paints vernacular architecture of Wales. Excited by the ...more

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